👨‍💻Invite Organization Members to BugBase (RBAC)

Learn how to set up Role Based Access Control on your BugBase Dashboard and Invite your Team Members

This feature is available only to Enterprise Tier Customers.


  • BugBase Company Account with Enterprise Plan.

  • BugBase user accounts for team members.

Inviting Members to Organization

  1. Visit Settings >> People from your company dashboard on BugBase.

  1. Click Invite Members and provide the email of the member that you want to invite to your organization.

Member emails should be the same domain as the company.

  1. Invited members would receive an invitation email and you can view the list members and their current status on the same page.

Assigning assets to members

  1. Visit Settings >> People from your company dashboard on BugBase and click on edit button.

  1. Select the assets from the dropdown and click on save

Assigning roles to members

  1. Visit Settings >> Manage Access from your company dashboard on BugBase.

  1. Click the + icon on the right of the program/company you want to assign the role to from the list.

  1. Select the Member and the Role you want to assign to that member and click on the Assign Role button.

You can choose from the Default Roles or create a Custom Role as per your requirement from Settings >> Roles & Permissions.

Learn more about Roles from the Roles and Permissions section.

And that's it! 🎉 Congratulations you have successfully invited a member and assigned a role to them.

Last updated